Air Travel

We utilize the most powerful travel database in the world. This system includes schedules and availability for literally hundreds of airline carriers, all maintained in a comprehensive, up-to-date and unbiased database. We have access and schedules to more than 400 airlines worldwide. The pricing package loaded in this system is vast and dynamic, giving our agents complete access to logic pricing, local currencies and mileage displays that can be used to secure the best available fares each and every time.

Additional features include:

  • A Computerized Reservation System with the power to access scheduling information for hundreds of air carriers around the world, around the clock.
  • The ability to find the lowest fares (including Web fares)
  • Available at the time your reservations are made, as well as the ability to suggest alternatives to your itinerary that would result in a lower fare.
  • A fare database that can keep us with as many as a million fares changes a day.
  • Direct access To Airline Computer Systems to secure you a seat right up to the time the last seat has been sold.
  • The ability to reserve seats up to eleven months in advance of the departure date.
  • Advance seat assignment records for U.S. flights.
  • Automatic forwarding Frequent Flyer Numbers to participating or sponsoring airline.

Address: 11767 Katy Freeway, Suite 111, Houston, TX 77079

Local Phone: 281-531-9500       Toll-Free: 800-531-2512

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